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Sun Valley Event News March 8, 2019

Sun Valley Film Festival Offers a Film Lab

March 13 through March  17

The Sun Valley Film Festival brings together industry insiders and movie lovers alike to celebrate the art of filmmaking in a majestic setting. A combination of cutting-edge content and unprecedented access in Sun Valley’s cinematic setting makes SVFF a “can’t miss” event.

    The Sun Valley Film Festival starts March 13 in the Idaho ski resort town and more than 60 films will be screened at the festival plus a screenwriters lab and awards bash.

    Jay Duplass (“Transparent,” “Togetherness”) will serve as judge of the competition. The director and producer of the winning work-in-progress film receives travel, lodging and insider access during the fest. The  event provides audience feedback and a screen-test in front of select audiences before completing the picture with Los Angeles-based post-production company The Farm Group.